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新鲜的空气, colorful leaves 和 fun seasonal happenings make fall the perfect time to explore Cabarrus县, 北卡罗莱纳.



新鲜的空气, colorful leaves 和 fun seasonal happenings make fall the perfect time to explore. Whether you want to go all in on pumpkins (和 pumpkin spice) or just take advantage of cooler temperatures, this four-day itinerary covers the most memorable fall activities in the region.

吃 & 喝
旅游 & 经历



早点到,开始你的长周末 市中心的健康! 为一次充满味道的访问定下基调,品尝来自 吃蛋糕面包店. Try a fresh-baked cinnamon roll with nuts 和 caramel sauce or go the savory route with a spinach 和 feta pastry. 别忘了咖啡! 当地爱国者烘焙公司 就在隔壁,菜单上有很多有趣的选择. If you can’t choose just one, sample four with one of their coffee flight boards.

带着一天所需的燃料,去散步 中庭健康棒球场. 每天作为公园开放,也是坎那波利斯炮弹队的主场, 这是一个伸展双腿的好地方.


Local boutiques along West Avenue beckon shoppers inside to discover the latest fashion trends 和 specialty gifts. 用一件舒适的新毛衣刷新你的秋季衣橱, 拿一个热肉桂或麦金塔苹果蜡烛 老城肥皂公司. 挑出一个谜题 詹姆斯甜蜜点.

准备好下午的茶点了? 停在 加农炮蜂蜜磨 要品尝蜂蜜酒,请品尝最新的苹果酒 醉了兔子 or pull up a seat 和 enjoy food truck fare 和 a fresh brew in the beer garden at 旧的盔甲. 在西大道区内, get your drink to go so you don’t miss out on a moment of Cabarrus县’s gorgeous fall weather.


以晚餐和电影结束这个夜晚! 首先,尽情享受一顿丰盛的大餐 海关101年. 隔壁是装饰艺术风格的历史建筑 宝石剧院 是游览卡纳波利斯市中心时拍照的标志性景点吗. 拍完照片后, head inside to catch a first-run flick at one of the oldest single-screen movie theaters in operation today.



菜单在 动词的咖啡 always features the most seasonal ingredients paired with fresh-roasted 动词的咖啡. From seasonal sips like the Great Pumpkin 和 the classic Maple Butter Latte to satisfying breakfast bites this neighborhood favorite serves a scrumptious fall breakfast.

创造力在 康科德历史城区. 散步可以激发灵感 画廊, then shop for one-of-a-kind souvenirs at small businesses on Union Street. 皮革是完美的秋季配饰 ShoeBeeDo 手工制品不短缺吗. 准备蜷缩起来看一本好书? 找到你的下一个阅读点 Goldberry.


在拐角处,继续你的寻宝之旅 吉布森磨坊的仓库. This 88,000-square-foot antique mall is brimming with vintage items of all kinds. Pick up a serving dish for a special meal or find festive holiday decor for your home. 该仓库位于历史悠久的吉布森磨坊, 一个翻新的纺织厂,还包括室内娱乐,如扔斧头, 桌游咖啡馆, 逃生室和开发食品大厅, 吉布森磨坊市场.


走开,去 卡巴鲁斯酿酒公司 Friday的美食车. 的 craft brewery is in the former finished goods warehouse for the Gibson Manufacturing Company 和 is known for its award-winning brews. 啜饮卡巴拉斯棉花, 棉铃象鼻虫棕色或多汁, 从受欢迎的快餐车点餐,听现场音乐.

渴望品尝更多卡巴鲁斯县的精酿啤酒? 的 本地精酿啤酒场景 爆炸了 茂密的海盗高分支老好了法尔机26英亩 和 南方菌株酿造 are all popular spots to spend a Friday evening sampling seasonal beers that celebrate fall.




2023年,秋季节日从9月9日开始. 16岁,在康科德的杏仁农场. 通过11月. 5, 2023, visitors can enjoy tons of family fun with the Kid Maze, hayrides, animals 和 more. 另外,一定要从路边市场买些新鲜的.

At Riverbend农场, take a wagon ride into the pumpkin patch to pick the perfect jack-o-lantern-to-be 和 pose for photos at the vignettes set up around the farm. 或者选择一个南瓜 米德兰农场 — 和 don’t forget to stop to pet the goats 和 shop for h和made goat’s milk soap in the farm store.

想待在外面? 徒步旅行! 的re’s no better place to witness the changing of the seasons than on the trails. 的 法尔家庭保护区小径 in 米德兰 winds through 66 acres of l和s protected by the Catawba L和s Conservancy. Enjoy the crisp fall morning as you follow the trail through the hardwood forest, 那里有48种不同的树木在秋天绽放出色彩. 这是当地最好的窥叶活动.


你不一定要相信有鬼才能欣赏灵魂 南方格蕾丝酿酒厂. 酿酒厂的前身是芒特普莱森特监狱, fermenting 和 distilling small-batch whiskey 和 bourbon in dorms that once housed prisoners. Behind 酒吧 tours are available throughout the year 和 include a behind-the-scenes look at the distilling process (with tastings of the Conviction bourbon).


参观结束后,在 73 & Main 吃晚饭. 历史悠久的丝袜厂改造的餐厅位于市中心. 美味的菜肴,牛排, 猪排, 海鲜和意大利面配沙刺菠菜, 培根芝士通心粉和其他南方小吃. 的 restaurant also has a bourbon bar stocked with rare 和 antique bourbons, 包括南方格蕾丝酿酒厂的烈酒.



回到卡罗莱纳文艺复兴节. 一年一度的节日从9月9日开始在周末举行. 11月30日至11月. 19, 2023. 看魔术师, 杂技演员和杂耍演员展示他们的技能, meet enchanted fantasy creatures like Fireflicker the Dragon 和 test your archery 和 axe-throwing skills. Shop items from local artisans 和 watch glassblowers 和 blacksmiths demonstrate historical skills.

不要在午餐前离开节日! 食品摊贩们准备了一场盛宴. 试试炖菜, 用面包碗盛汤, 烤坚果, 新鲜的椒盐卷饼, 火鸡腿和蜂蜜酒,都适合皇室.


皇冠hg0088正网网址的日历上总有好玩的事. When it comes to fall happenings here, these experiences are highlights you won’t want to miss.

在NHRA卡罗莱纳国民咆哮进城9月. 22-24, 2023. 每张票都可以作为门票使用, so plan to be at the track for more than enough time to take in the races 和 roam around the pit area to observe crews at work on these impressive machines.

10月. 7-8, 2023,周末在 夏洛特赛车场. 赛车迷可以参加纳斯卡Xfinity系列行动与 Drive for the Cure 250 在Saturday. 然后在星期天, 美国银行ROVAL 400 秋季比赛的重头戏是周末吗. 购买赛前赛道通行证,参加赛前维修站派对, 哪些是纳斯卡名人的形象, 赶上司机介绍和参加现场音乐会. Stay for the race to cheer on your favorite drivers as they speed around the track in hopes of claiming the checkered flag in the NASCAR Cup Series race.


Head to 哈里斯堡 和 raise a glass to a successful trip to Cabarrus县! 就在高速公路的拐角处, 百分比自来水房 小批量酿酒厂有很多事情要做吗. 的 calendar of events includes game nights, trivia, live music, bingo, food trucks 和 more.


卡巴拉斯县到处都是可以住宿的地方, from hotels right alongside racing action to inns that are steps away from charming downtowns. 除了这些独特的住宿选择,浏览一个完整的列表 这里的区域住宿 找到最合适的.


以上的活动都伴随着更多的活动 秋天的节日和万圣节的乐趣比如大灰狼小屋的嚎叫节. 的 themed indoor water park resort also includes tons of dry l和 adventures 和 spook-tacular fun like Halloween crafts 和 a costume parade.


酒店建于1920年左右. 愉快的是休息的理想场所. Full breakfast is included with your stay 和 the gardens are a treat in the fall. Set out on a short walk past other historic homes to admire bright fall foliage 和 end in downtown Mt. 令人愉快的地方,商店和当地餐馆喜欢 Lentz咖啡馆 等待.


查看更多 行程, get inspired with the Fall highlight on the @探索Cabarrus Instagram page, 现在就预订你的秋季度假!


在旅途中需要信息? Browse the digital 目的地指南 online now for details on restaurants, 景点, 商店, 公园, 博物馆及更多.
